Features of the ‘AID’ Research Project
• At the earliest stage, communities and organizations will join ‘train the trainer’ workshop to know the progress of the activity and be passion for the activity.
• During the intervention, participants will receive health education about COVID-19, vaccinations, early-testing and self-protection, also they will receive COVID-19 related health tips in order to help them reduce vaccine hesitancy.
• Based on different characteristics of research partners and population, individualization and multiform of health education activities will be given.
• During the health education activity, on time information posted by the government will be monitored in order to answer questions asked by participants. Also, to monitor the effectiveness of health education and to improve the engagement of participants and the validity of health education.
List of NGOs currently participating in the AID Research Project
A&A Oriental International Limited, Wellness Social Service Centre Limited, People Service Centre Limited, Christian Family Service Centre-Tokwawan Dental Clinic, Christian Family Service Centre-Kwun Tong Dental Clinic, Christian Family Service Centre-Podiatry Services & Dietetic Services, Christian Family Service Centre-Physiotherapy Service & Health Centre; Hong Kong Mutual Encouragement Association-Jane Shu Tsao Neighbourhood Elderly Centre, Hong Kong Mutual Encouragement Association-Cheng Yu Tung Neighbourhood Elderly Centre, The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong, and Succeed & Advance Hong Kong (SAHK).
LOGOs of Collaborator

We are recruiting research partners and participants. Please scan the QR code for registration

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More Info:
56984781,xyjcovid19@gmail.com / grace.yj.xie@poly.edu.hk